#DIY: Homemade granola
I'm baking this homemade granola for the third time and I think it's the right time to share my recipe with you. It's very simple and versatile so you can use what you've got at home or make it according to your own taste. So let's get started!
- 500g ovsených vločiek
- 1/2 šálky roztopeného kokosového oleja
- 1/2 šálky medu
- 1 šálku hrozienok
- 1/2 čajovej lyžičky škorice
- 1 čajovú lyžičku vanilky
- 1/2 šálky tekvicových semienok
- 1/2 šálky lieskových orechov
- 1 šálka slnečnicových semienok
- štipku soli
- 500g oats
- 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1 cup raisins
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
- 1/2 cup hazelnuts
- 1 cup sunflower seeds
- a pinch of salt
Všetky ingrediencie okrem hrozienok zmiešame a presunieme na plech vystlatý papierom na pečenie. Pečieme na 180 °C zhruba 1/2 hodinky a niekoľkokrát počas pečenia zamiešame. Ak sú vločky sfarbené rovnomerne do zlatova, máme hotovo! Už len nechať vychladnúť, primiešať hrozienka a uskladniť v nejakej peknej dóze s tesnením :)
How to make it:
Mix all ingredients (a part from raisins) in a big bowl and pour it onto your prepared pan. Spread the mixture in an even layer and don't forget to stir it during the baking. Bake it for 30 minutes at 180 °C. When the oats look golden brown - our granola is done. Let it cool down and you can finally add the raisins. Your own granola is now ready to be served :)
Tak čo? Vyskúšate ju? Ak áno, nezabudnite sa mi pochváliť :)
If you have decided to give it a try don't forget to share your photos with me :)
Luci x
How to make it:
Mix all ingredients (a part from raisins) in a big bowl and pour it onto your prepared pan. Spread the mixture in an even layer and don't forget to stir it during the baking. Bake it for 30 minutes at 180 °C. When the oats look golden brown - our granola is done. Let it cool down and you can finally add the raisins. Your own granola is now ready to be served :)
If you have decided to give it a try don't forget to share your photos with me :)
Luci x
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